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Story August 10, 2022

TYM Merger FAQs for Kukje Machinery tractor owners

As a company that’s steadily evolved over the years, we at TYM know that changes can be exciting, but they can also raise many questions. We also know that many of our valued customers have questions now that our 2016 acquisition of Kukje Machinery has culminated in the integration of the two brands.


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To help answer some of your biggest questions about the future of your Kukje Machinery tractor, we tapped into our dedicated customer service team for some insight. What’s on the minds of Kukje Machinery owners now? What are some major changes they can expect? And what won’t change? Here are some of our most frequently asked questions following the merger of TYM and Kukje Machinery tractors.

Will the Kukje Machinery name still exist?
The Kukje Machinery tractor brand and name was fully consolidated to TYM on July 1, 2022, but the Kukje Machinery product lineup will remain the same. You can already see the full range and lineup of tractors on the TYM product page.

Does this integration affect product prices?
No, the pricing structure remains the same. Likewise, any outstanding orders or service requests will be fulfilled as planned.

Does this mean that TYM parts will now work for Kukje Machinery too?
As it stands now, Kukje Machinery parts are compatible with Kukje Machinery tractors and TYM parts are compatible with TYM tractors. With that said, you may see more integration between the two product lines in the future.

Will there be changes to the quality of Kukje Machinery tractors?
Kukje Machinery tractors will remain the same tractors you know and trust. This acquisition means you will have access to expanded customer support and parts services, and an even bigger product line to choose from.

Where should I go to get help and support?
For now you can continue to visit your Kukje Machinery dealer or distributor. And soon, you will be able to buy and request services for Kukje Machinery tractors at all TYM dealerships.

What does this mean for my current service and warranty?
Your current service and warranty will remain the same. Your services continue to be logged, processed, and updated the same way.

What are some major changes I can expect?
With the integration of TYM and Kukje Machinery tractors, you can expect to see network expansion, better customer services, increased supply of parts and more product options. For a sneak peak at what the future of TYM holds, check out the interview with CEO Dohoon Kim. Additional changes and news will be announced as they become available.

Our approach to change and our commitment to you
Whether it’s through an acquisition or a commitment to sustainability, TYM is dedicated to embracing change and using it to propel our products and culture. The decision you made when you bought a Kukje Machinery tractor isn’t one that we take lightly, and we will continue to honor the ethos of innovation and promise of satisfaction that you’ve come to expect from Kukje Machinery. With the newly integrated TYM, you’ll experience your tractor in a whole new way—with unified support and services, more availability of parts, and a wider range of products.

As always, we’re here to support you with any questions you might have regarding the merger and what that means for you and your tractor. If you have a question that’s not covered above, please get in touch with your Kukje Machinery dealer, or use this contact form on our website.


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